Sunday 8 July 2007

I'm really looking forward to travelling to work tomorrow.

No really, I am.
Up until a couple of years ago I was crammed in the train or the DLR getting hot and sweaty on my way to work. Then we moved offices and I discovered the joys of buses - especially the 436 bendy bus. But even the bendy bus started to get too much. Though it's reasonable price for a ticket (£1 per journey) the costs soon stack up (£10 per week, £500 per year) and even though I could sleep/read/work/listen to music on the way, I still ended up hot and sweaty - there doesn't seem to be air conditioning on any London transport.
So after crummy oystercards that don't always work and ticket inspectors who treat us like criminals, I decided to get on my bike. And now I really enjoy the daily commute through south London. For the past three months I've cycled almost every day the 10-12 kilometres to work. So it's also saved me £10 a week gym fees. And the journey is at least 20 minutes shorter.
I reckon that in the past three months I've:
  • cycled over 1,000km,
  • saved over £200 on bus and gym,
  • eaten almost what I've wanted and not gained weight
  • arrived at work early feeling happy and refreshed (and more importantly arriving home again at the end of the day feeling the same)
  • spent 40 hours less stuck in noisy buses.

I've also got to become smug about commuting, narrowly avoided accidents (so far), spent money on bike tools, and worn clothes that are way too tight for me.

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